Privacy and Cookies Policies






Type of information we collect

We collect several types of information from you, as listed below.

As part of your access to the Website and use of the Services, we may collect:

Your name and contact information including email address, telephone number, address, gender, and any other information you voluntarily provide on the Services. If you create an account on our Services, we will collect the username and password you create in connection with your account, and we will also collect information about the products you browse or add to your Wishlist, and other actions you may take while logged in under your account.

The purpose for collecting this information is to manage user registration, purchases, respond to inquiries, and send personalized communications.

We do not share this information with third parties.

Your payment transaction information including order details, payment information, shipping address, order status, transaction history, and billing summary.

The purpose for collecting this information is to manage the checkout process and follow up on orders.

Please note that payment information (payment method, bank card number, and card expiration date) is managed by our approved partner Adyen, and the shipping address is used uniquely for delivering your products, managed by our approved partner UPS.

We do not share this information with third parties.

Your online submissions information including information regarding you and your device, such as, your name, email, phone number and order number, your device’s Internet Protocol address, the domain name of your Internet service provider, your location, your mobile device information (e.g. device model and operating system version), your page visits, your social sharing activity, and aggregated information that cannot be used to specifically identify you.

The purpose for collecting this information is to respond to social media interactions and to respond to customer inquiries.

In some cases, for the noted purposes we share this information. (Odity our After-sales service for example).

Marketing purposes:

  • Purpose: sign up for our newsletters and provide you with information about our new collections and exclusive offers. We may also send ads to you, personalized or not, about products and offers. 
  • Data Collected: Civility, first name, name, email, phone number, birthday, product preferences.
  • Shared: In some cases, for the noted purposes (Google and Meta ads).

Preference Data:

  • Purpose: understand your interests and preferences to make our Platform and products better.
  • Data Collected: favorite boutiques and products.
  • Shared: In some cases, for the noted purposes (with btq and internal production team)

Statistics information:

  • Purpose: enhance your experience on our Platform and products better and to analyze browsing activity, interactions with websites, purchases, and search terms.
  • Data Collected: Device type, region, browser type, referral sites, device, browsing history, purchase history, search terms.
  • Shared: No third-party sharing.

Sensitive personal information:

Not used or disclosed for inferring characteristics or purposes beyond legal limits.

We keep your information:

  • If it is necessary or relevant for our business.
  • To resolve disputes, enforce our agreements and otherwise required by law.
  • To manage potential returns after you have purchased and manage requests of availability information for articles, reservations of products through the Platform, depending on the availability of such options from time to time.
  • For invoicing purposes and to make available to you the tickets and invoices of the purchases you have made through the Platform.


How we do collect information from you?

How do we collect information from you? We collect information directly from you, both online and offline. This occurs when you create an account or manage your product purchases. Additionally, information is collected when you contact customer service for query resolution, sign up for our newsletter to receive personalized communications, participate in surveys, or engage in promotions.

We also collect information passively using tracking tools like browser cookies, pixels, web beacons, and similar technologies. These tools capture data about your interactions with us, including browsing and purchasing behavior. Please refer to the FTC's Online Tracking page for more details on cookies. These tools are utilized on our websites and emails. Information about user activity over time on our Platform is collected, with third parties also involved in this data collection.

It is important to note that we neither collect nor process sensitive personal information, as defined by the laws of Colorado, Connecticut, or Virginia.

Furthermore, we obtain information about you from third parties, such as social media platforms and visitors who utilize our "share" feature on the product page.

How do we consolidate your information collected from various sources

We consolidate boutiques and e-commerce information to deduplicate customer information from both channels.

How do we disclose your information?

We may disclose your information according to our Privacy Policy.

We may disclose your information to third party service providers. Our approved business partners handle the payment process and shipping on our behalf, collecting and stocking your personal information collected from our platform.

We may disclose your information to third parties if we believe that this is necessary to comply with the law; prevent or take action with respect to suspected fraud or other illegal activity; respond to claims or other legal actions, and protect ourselves against legal liability. This could include responding to a court order or subpoena. It could also include sharing information if a government agency or investigatory body requests. We might share information when we are investigating potential fraud. This could include fraud we think has occurred during a sweepstakes or promotion. We may also share information if you are the winner of a sweepstakes or other contest with anyone who requests a winner's list.

Additional information for residents of certain jurisdictions in the United States. Certain states, like California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, and Virginia require that we tell you if we sell personal information with a third party for monetary or (in California) other valuable consideration. We do not do this. We also do not sell personal information of minors under the age of 18 for monetary or other valuable considerations.


What are your rights regarding the information we collect?

  • Opt out of receiving our newsletter and other promotional communications. To stop receiving our newsletter or other promotional messages, follow the instructions in any promotional message you receive from us. Please note that even if you choose not to receive marketing messages, transactional messages will continue to be sent to inform you about your purchasing status, including responses to your online inquiries.
  • Shine the Light. Under California law, our Customers who are residents of California may request certain information about our disclosure of personal information during the prior calendar year to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us in the “you can contact us” section below. Mark your message “Shine the Light.”



Cookies are small text files stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or similar device by a website. They contain information about your browsing and usage, functioning like a device identifier tag. Cookies are essential for facilitating navigation, understanding user interactions for website improvement, and offering personalized advertising based on user preferences. They serve various purposes without causing harm to your device.

For further information about cookies and how to manage them, please read our full Cookies Policies.


What are your privacy rights?

If you reside in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, or a state with similar rights, you have legal rights beyond the choices listed above. You can exercise these rights by submitting a request through our form. Alternatively, you can call us at xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or email us at [email protected]. These rights are detailed below:


  1. Right to Know: You have the right to request that ABW, Inc. disclose the types of your personal information we collect and utilize, including, for California residents, the categories of sources for collection and disclosure, and the business purpose behind the collection.
  2. Access to Specific Information/Data Portability: You have the right to request that ABW, Inc. provide you with a copy of the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you including any personal information that we have created or otherwise received from a third-party about you.
  3. Correction: You have the right to request that we correct any incorrect personal information about you. 
  4. Deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of any personal information we have collected from you.
  5. Non-retaliation: You have the right to be free from discrimination for exercising your privacy rights.

How it works: When you submit your request, we use information you provide to verify your request. We do this by matching the information you provide with information we already have about you. In some situations, we may not be able to process your request. This may include if a legal exception applies. If you disagree with our decision, you can contact us as described at the end of this policy.

California privacy rights

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) gives consumers more control over the personal information that businesses collect about them. The CCPA secures new privacy rights for California consumers, including:

  • The right to know about the personal information a business collects about them and how it is used and shared.
  • The right to delete personal information collected from them (with some exceptions).
  • The right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of their personal information
  • The right to non-discrimination for exercising their CCPA rights.

In November of 2020, California voters approved the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which amended the CCPA and added new privacy protections that began on January 1, 2023.

California consumers have new rights in addition to those above, such as:

  • The right to correct inaccurate personal information that a business has about them.
  • The right to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information collected about them.

Subject to exceptions under applicable law, you may have choices regarding our use and disclosure of your personal information, as described below:

  1. Access: You have the right to request, up to wo times in a 12 months, that we disclose to you the personal information we have collected about you, including the categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which the personal information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing personal information, the categories of third parties to whom we disclose personal information, and the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.
  2. Correction: You have the right to request that we correct the personal information we maintain about you if that information is incorrect.
  3. Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete certain personal information we have collected from you.
  4. Opt-Out of Sale or Sharing: You have the right to opt out of the sale of your personal information or sharing of your personal information for cross-context behavioral advertising. You can opt-out of cookie-based selling/sharing by clicking here or broadcasting the Global Privacy Control signal. For more information about how to use the Global Privacy Control signal, please see In addition, you can opt out of other types of selling/sharing as further described in the CCPA Opt-out Page. Your opting-out will be specific to the browser and device you are using and will apply to the website domain on which you submit the request. If you clear your cookies or use a new browser or device to access the site, please submit a new request to re-apply your opting-out choice. Note that even if you opt out of sale or sharing, you may still be sent advertisements and receive marketing emails from us and third-party service providers.
  5. To exercise your rights on behalf of yourself or another individual, please contact us as described in the section headed “Contact Us” below. If you exercise your rights, we may require you to provide certain information to verify your identity (such as your name, email address, phone number and/or address) or the authority of any third person (authorized agent) acting on your behalf. You may authorize your agent to exercise your rights under the CPRA on your behalf by registering your agent with the California Secretary of State or by providing them with power of attorney to exercise your rights in accordance with applicable laws (an “Authorized Agent”). We may request that your authorized agent submit proof of identity and that they have been authorized to exercise your rights on your behalf. We may deny a request from your authorized agent to exercise your rights on your behalf if they fail to submit adequate proof of identity or adequate proof that they have the authority to exercise your rights.
  6. No discrimination: If you choose to exercise any of your rights under the CCPA, you have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment from us.

For more information about the CCPA (as amendment by the CPRA) please visit:

The Services are not intended for children.

Our Services are tailored for adults. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from children under 18. If you are under 18, please do not use the Services or submit any personal information. If you are a parent or legal guardian and think your child has given us personal information, you can write to us at the address listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. Please mark your inquiries "COPPA Information Request." Parents and legal guardians can learn more about how to protect children's privacy on-line by visiting:

We use reasonable security measures.

We take all reasonable steps to protect your information against theft and unauthorized use, disclosure, or loss. However, the Internet is not fully secure. Therefore, we cannot promise that your use of the Services will be completely secure. We encourage you to take caution when using the Internet and our Services. A login email and a password are needed to access certain areas of the Agnes b. Services. It is your responsibility to protect your username and password. Also, it is your responsibility to decide what personal information you will provide to us. WE DO NOT TAKE RESPONSILITY FOR LOSS OF SECURITY DUE TO THIRD PARTY ACCESS OR CAUSES BEYOND OUR CONTROL.

We may link to platforms or have third party tools on our platforms we do not control.

If you click on a link to a third-party site, you will be redirected to a site we do not control. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third parties. This includes third parties who may have ads or content on our site. We suggest that you read their privacy policies carefully.


We may change this Privacy Policy.



From time to time, we may change our Privacy Policy without prior notice. We will notify you of any material changes to our Privacy Policy as required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our Platforms. Please check our Platforms periodically for updates.


Website cookies allow us to tailor our Website according to your needs. In this Cookies Policy you will find details on how Agnès b. uses cookies on our customers' and users' devices to improve their experience using our Site. As cookies may be linked to your personal data processing, we advise that you also consult our Privacy Policy on our Website for information on customer and user personal data usage, rights exercise, or the terminology used to describe our Website.

Cookies definition:

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or similar device by a website. It contains information about your browsing history and usage, functioning like a device identifier tag. Cookies are essential for facilitating navigation, understanding user interactions for website improvement, and offering personalized advertising based on user preferences. They serve various purposes, as outlined below, without causing harm to your device.

The term "Cookies" encompasses similar technologies like flash cookies, web beacons, pixels, HTML5, and SDK technologies for apps, as well as fingerprinting techniques that help identify your device. These technologies may work alongside cookies to collect and store information, enhancing certain features or services on our website or displaying third-party advertising based on your browsing.

This overview provides general information about what Cookies entail. For specific details about the Cookies we use, please refer to the cookies settings panel.

What type of cookies categories Agnès b. uses:

Cookies can be classified into two types based on the provider:

First-party cookies: These are sent to the user’s computer or device from a computer or domain managed by the editor. They provide the platform or service requested by the user.

Third-party cookies: These are sent to the user’s computer or device from a computer or domain not managed by the editor. They are processed by another entity that obtains data from the cookies.

Cookies can be also categorized based on their purpose:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies are set to provide the service, or resource requested. Without these cookies, your request cannot be properly delivered. They are usually set to manage actions made by you, such as requesting website visual elements, pages resources or due user login/logoff. We can also use these cookies to set up essential functionalities to guarantee the security and efficiency of the service requested, like authentication and load balancer request.

  • Functionality Cookies:

Functionality cookies allow websites to remember the user’s site preferences and choices they make on the site including username, region, and language. This allows the website to provide personalized features like your selected country and language, keeping you logged in, providing security and fraud prevention, having your digital shopping bag and wish list items stored while you browse, remembering volume settings, and you getting access to secure areas of the website. They are anonymous and don’t track browsing activity across other websites. Similar to strictly necessary cookies, functionality cookies are used to provide services you request. These cookies can remember your preferences to boost the user experience on a website. 

  • Analysis Cookies:

These cookies are optional and gather information on how visitors use and interact with our website, aiming to optimize design, operations, efficiency, and enhance the overall user experience. We seek consent to deploy these cookies

  • Marketing Cookies:

These cookies are optional and are used to provide targeted advertising, and to track any sales due to these advertisements, including advertisements contained on other websites or within marketing communications sent to you. Marketing Cookies permit third parties to collect cookies allowing us to make targeted marketing/ads of our products and services on other websites, and on social media. If you allow this you will allow the listed third parties to set cookies tracking your interests and behavior including which products and services you are interested in, or purchase, on this and other websites, social media, and devices. Be aware that these third parties are either joint or independent data controllers of the personal data tracked via the cookies and they will use the data for their own purposes. We ask for permission to allow the above third parties to place these types of cookies on sites.

What Cookies are used on the Agnès b. Website:

Cookies play an important role in the functionality of our Website. Their primary objective is to enhance your browsing experience by ensuring it is seamless and efficient. For instance, Cookies help in retaining your preferences (language, country, etc.) during your current session and future visits. Our Cookies are also instrumental in the ongoing improvement of our services and website, contributing to personalized advertising based on your browsing behaviour.

The information gathered through Cookies enables us to enhance our Website by generating statistical data and analyzing usage patterns (e.g., visit frequency, popular sections, duration of visits). This statistical insight aids in understanding user interactions, facilitating service improvements, and tailoring the website to individual interests, thereby expediting searches.

On occasion, Cookies may be employed to acquire information that enables us to display targeted advertising, whether from our website, third-party platforms, or other means, based on an analysis of your browsing habits (visited products, consulted sections, etc.).

It's important to note that the Cookies we use never store sensitive information such as passwords, credit or debit card details, etc.

What if I do not want cookies:

Necessary cookies are essential for the Website and you cannot opt out of them, but you can delete necessary cookies after use – see how below.

For all other cookies, you can always adjust your settings and revoke your consent.

How to manage your cookies:

The cookies are placed on your browser. This means that we cannot delete them for you. You must do that yourself in the way prescribed by your specific browser. If you are on an Agnès b. website, you can also avoid cookies being placed by adjusting the browser settings on your device. Real browser cookies are set to expire. Similar types of technologies, like local storage on your device, do not have expiration built-in but must be deleted by you. We have linked instructions on how to adjust/delete cookies on some of the more common devices below.

Below you will find examples of guides on how to block cookies and how to remove cookies in the various browsers for PCs and Macs:

Regarding third-party Cookies used to provide advertising based on your interests, please note that certain third parties may be members of some of the following self-regulatory programmes for online behavioural advertising, with the relevant voluntary exclusion options:

Who uses the information stored on Cookies?

The information in our website Cookies is uniquely utilized by Agnès b., except for those outlined in section "Third-party cookies," managed by external entities to enhance our services and user experience. Further details are available in the Cookies settings panel on our website. 

For more information on how we process personal data with third parties and international data transfers, please refer to our Privacy Policy on our Website and the privacy policies/settings of these third-party collaborators on their platforms.