Salopecia Pox Calypso

Friday 01st December 2023, 5PM

Pox Calypso”, Salopecia’s new album, will be released by Monograph this Friday, December 1st. With this album Salopecia gives us a sensitive and generous work, a portrait of a set of pernicious trends of our time against which he persists in resisting.

The diverse themes give rise to varied protagonists with their own natures, like a hydra with multiple voices. The void moves from piece to piece, reappearing each time in a dense universe. Each piece acts as one of the vanishing points of a perspective which locates the common resonance which gave birth to the whole.

The hues of the different hip-hop, grunge and electronic influences that jockeyed for their place in Salopecia, coagulated together, becoming something emancipated. Nevertheless, we find with familiarity the diversity of legs that carry Salopecia: grooves, squeaks, grunts, gurgles and glottis.