Bye David!

Agnès bids farewell to one of her favorite artists, but above all, to a dear friend..
This week, Agnès was worried about her friend David Lynch and had sent him a note to check on him, as she knew he was near the wildfires in Los Angeles. In return, the bad news arrived last night... Agnès bids farewell to one of her favorite artists, but above all, to a dear friend.
Their special connection began around the release of Inland Empire in 2007, but six years earlier, the filmmaker had asked her to style outfits for the two heroines of Mulholland Drive, earning Agnès a credit in the film. In 2007, she exhibited excerpts from his films and some of his images at the Galerie du Jour on Rue Quincampoix, as well as in her boutique on Rue du Jour.
David Lynch was an artist and a stylist in the broadest sense, both in his work and in his life. Since their meeting, he dressed in agnès b., particularly favoring the white Planète shirts with soft collars made from Egyptian cotton, which he wore buttoned all the way up under his suits. These suits, like his trousers, were custom-designed and tailored by Agnès for David.
agnès b. radio pays tribute to the filmmaker this afternoon with soundtracks to his films, readings of his poetry, albums and 45s, and some of his weather reports, from 2pm to 8pm.
Bye David, we will miss you!