20 years of commitment to the Ocean

10 october 2023

© Tara ocean foundation

Exploring to understand, sharing to change: The dual mission of the Tara Ocean Foundation, which has been bringing together scientists, sailors and artists from around the world for 20 years, committed to increasing our knowledge and protecting the Ocean.

20 years ago, on October 13, 2003, the adventure began with the acquisition of the schooner Tara. The Foundation was born from the vision of Agnès Troublé, known as agnès b., and her son, Étienne Bourgois: exploring the Ocean aboard the research vessel in order

to better understand and protect it.

For 20 years, 700 scientists from all over the world, 100 sailors, 50 artists and 30 on-board correspondents have sailed around the world aboard the floating laboratory to share scientific knowledge about the Ocean with the largest audience possible and create collective awareness.

At the age of 20, we are expanding our actions, with Tara and the future Tara Polar Station, because the next 2 decades will be crucial for the planet, the Ocean and the future of humanity.

20 years of discoveries at the service of science

120,000 samples collected

100,000 species of microalgae discovered

200,000 marine viruses and retroviruses characterized

500,000 species of bacteria defined

150 million genes identified

20 years of sharing knowledge

2 million people made aware of ocean-related issues

100,000 children welcomed aboard Tara

Participation in the global treaty to end plastic pollution

1 million students learned more about the Ocean thanks to our educational tools

11 years of mobilization in favor of the adoption of the High Sea Treaty

100 elected officials committed to the charter « Mon territoire s’engage : rivières et fleuves sans plastique, océan protégé »

20 years of impact

On the occasion of our 20-year anniversary, the Foundation conducted an impact study.

This sudy showed that the scope of discoveries derived from our expeditions goes far beyond the scientific community, reaching policy makers, the general public and the world of education. “Tara is a bridge between scientists and politicians to guide decision-making processes.” Etienne Bourgois

“The next 20 years will be crucial for the future of the planet and humanity. The challenge of preserving the Ocean concerns us all. Only collective action will allow us to go faster and further.”

Romain Troublé, Executive Director of the Tara Ocean Foundation