Bar Italia - "Tracey Denim"

Friday 26 May 2023, 5PM

London band Bar Italia release their new album, the highly anticipated 'Tracey Denim'. After two albums on Dean Blunt's label, an EP and several experimental rock singles infused with the 90s, the mysterious trio asserts its place of choice within an increasingly prolific British underground scene.

Tracey Denim’ was recorded and produced by bar italia with mixing from Marta Salogni. It features singles “Nurse!”, described as “a hypnotic post-punk ballad” (The Guardian) and “narcotically arresting” (Pitchfork), and “punkt”, featured in The Observer's “Hot Tracks” and on which Clash noted, “quietly shattering the rulebook, Bar Italia are delivering something very interesting indeed.”

Discover more with the following links :

Bar Italia

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Matador Records

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Beggars ·