
© agnès b.

Head of the Marseille boutique.

You’ve been with agnès b. Since? December 2016

Your first memory related to agnès b.?  As a teenager, the makeup line at home, small affordable luxuries in insane packages. I couldn’t get enough of it.

What’s agnès b. to you? An inspiring woman whom I greatly admire, a beautiful company whose values I share. 

Your favorite piece from the house? I’m torn between the circle skirt, so pretty, so fun, especially when it swirls, and a very masculine shirt that I love to wear to undo an overly girly look: so I guess the two of them together! 

How would you describe the spirit of Marseille? The laughter, the people, the light. Everything in excess. Marseille is just unfiltered joy. I love it more than I could say.

Any hobbies? Watching shows in the original language and then listening to the OST in repeat, which I sing super off key and really loudly with my kids. 

A dream? To be published, one day.

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