
© agnès b.

Intern scenographer in the image department at head office in Paris.

With agnès b. since? I've been with the company for 6 months, combining my two internships. The first started at the beginning of 2024.

Your first memory of agnès b.? When I was a little girl, I liked to go into my mom's closet and try on her cardigan.

agnès b. for you? It's a house of understated elegance with an innovative spirit. And above all, a sincere commitment to creativity and authenticity.

What's your favorite agnès b. piece? The “objets trouvés jolis”, Agnès's treasures transformed into unique jewels.

How would you describe the spirit of Paris? A party that never stops.

Your hobbies? Discovering and trying new things, traveling, spending time with family and friends and playing sports.

What's your dream? To have a house by the sea, and to swim morning, noon and night.

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