Recipe #3

Agnès shares with us her favourite recipes: crêpes batter.
- a large salad bowl
- a whip
- a frying pan or better still a crepe maker
- 450g of wheat flour
- 70g of butter (to melt gently)
- salt (a good pinch)
- 3 eggs
- 200g of milk
- 400g of water (mix milk and water)
Mix the flour set in well with the eggs you have broken in the middle, the salt, the water and milk mixture.
The dough should form a ribbon.
Let rest.
Pass a small towel over the pan.
Pour half a ladle of batter.
A little flick of the wrist to spread it out and let it cook without touching it, the dough will come off on its own...
When the steam stops rising above the crêpe, one side is cooked!!
Blow it up to flip it.
To be eaten hot, one by one, as they are made.