

Sales man at Lille boutique.

You’ve been at agnès b. since? September 2011, almost 12 years. 

Your first memory associated with agnès b.? It was at home, very young, that I heard the name for the first time, because my mother ordered some of her products. I come from a modest family, in a remote village, far from the high end boutiques, it was a way to make us dream. For us, agnès b. was part of the "creators of beauty".

agnès b. for you? There’s agnès b., the high end clothing store, respectful and attentive to its customers. But there’s mostly Agnès, the Fab…ulous. A woman courageous and determined, curious of the world around her. The contrast between her shyness in front of people and her meteoric rise is striking. It all goes so well with her spontaneity, and her soothing voice.

Your favourite piece? My mind is not made between the Fifre and the Jumpsuit… you’ve got to help me there!

How would you describe Lille? It’s a city which is both joyful and full of life. It’s to human scale, and possess an architecture that links history and modernity. It’s an easy life there. It is part of a region that is known for its generosity, its openness to others, to art… It simply makes sense to find agnès b. there.

Your hobbies? My relatives and close friends, photography (fashion and portraits) and gardening. 

A dream? That we finally understand one another and end the petty squabbles. Together everything becomes possible. We should listen, respect, open oneself to the others. On this beautiful planet of ours, we’re only there temporarily… So might as well make the most of it, right? As Agnès says very succinctly: "be yourself, and don’t piss off anybody else."


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