Rough Trade Books at La Fab.

Rough Trade Books at La Fab.
© agnès b.

The famous London label installs a selection of its publications at agnès b.

Just over five years ago, Rough Trade launched a books branch in an attempt to extend the irreverence and sensitivity of its musical projects into published objects. Initiated around the figure of the pamphlet, explored in poetry, photography and fiction, the collection has continued to grow ever since, becoming a haven for literature that goes beyond the box in every sense of the word.

A selection of this incredible collection was installed at the Fab. on January 24. But given the success of this collaboration, Rough Trade and agnès b. have decided to extend the lease until February 4.

Not to be missed!


January 24 to February 4, 2024.
La Fab.
Place Jean-Michel Basquiat, Paris 13e