Marseille by Agnès

Marseille by Agnès

A selection of photos taken by Agnès over the years.

Whether it be with analog cameras, or with her phones, Agnès always find a way to capture this city, its architecture and its people. Here are a few these shots, telling the story of her love for the town.

"I used to live in Montfrin in the Gard (south of France), and we regularly went to Marseille. I have fond memories of the shops run by Arabs, the smells of the Noailles market, where I still go and which I love, the North African pastries... This city sits on the edge of France, facing the sea and the South, a bit like Hong Kong. It's beautiful in the evening and in the morning when you wander.

We have a family home in Antibes, so Marseille is on my route, and the city makes me want to stop there. Every time I get to the station and see the town below, I'm so happy.

The boutique we have there is set in a magnificent location with large vaulted ceilings. I'd like to say hello to the team who work there.

There's a whole life in Marseille..."